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The Button Friends

Explore Our Books


Book 1
Welcome to the Button Friends. This book is about how the Button Friends met each other.


Book 2
The Button Friends in Wales. This book is about the Button Friends going surfing.


Book 3
The Button Friends in a Campervan. This book is about an adventure to Scotland.


Book 4
The Button friends pick blackberries in Ireland. This book is about a trip to Ireland.


Book 5
The Button Friends on an adventure in Tasmania. They go to an animal Sanctuary.


Book 6
The Button Friends on an adventure in India. This book is about the friends in India.


Teacher Manual 1
Book 1: Draw with Code


Teacher Manual 2
Book 2: Book to come.


Teacher Manual 3
Book 3: Book to come.


Teacher Manual 4
Book 4: Book to come.


Teacher Manual 5
Book 5: Book to come.


Teacher Manual 6
Book 6: Book to come.


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Custom Cake
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Custom Cake
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Custom Cake
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Custom Cake
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Custom Cake
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Program & Read

The Button Friends

Embark on an exciting global adventure with Button Friends, where coding becomes the key to unlocking a world of creativity and imagination! By joining us, you'll be part of a journey that transcends boundaries, both geographical and technological. We invite you to dive into the realm of coding and contribute to the creation of captivating characters and compelling stories that will resonate around the world. Button Friends is not merely a coding initiative; it's a gateway to a vast landscape of possibilities. Through coding, we'll craft not just lines of text but entire narratives, bringing characters to life in a digital tapestry that reflects the diverse perspectives of contributors from all corners of the globe. Together, we'll weave a story that transcends cultural differences and celebrates the universal language of technology. So, seize this opportunity to be a part of something extraordinary. Join Button Friends now, and let's code our way through a journey that promises not only technical enrichment but also the joy of collaborative storytelling. Together, we'll create wonderful characters and narratives that leave a lasting imprint on the digital world we're shaping. The adventure awaits—code, create, and explore with Button Friends!

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The Button Friends

The Button Friends introduces a new multidisciplinary approach called aesthetic programming to enhance children’s engagement in the fundamentals of programming.

Get In Touch

Porthcawl, Wales, UK.

+012 345 67890


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